Tree of Life
"Located in northern San Fernando Valley, the Chatsworth Courthouse of the Los Angeles Superior Court opened in May 2002. Michael Amescua is one of two artists who created civic art pilot projects for the site.
Amescua's majestic Tree of Life is a twenty-foot tall stainles steel sculpture situated on the exterior of the courthouse where it is enjoyed by passersby as well as by jurors in the jury assembly room.
Tree of Life is comprised of ten large decorative medallions which radiate in four directions from a central post; each medallion depicts familiar California flora such as oak, palm and bird of paradise. The intricacy of Amescua's design lends the sculpture an almost kinetic quality as sunlight and shadows pierce through the open work of the steel. " - (Archive of article)
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"Located in northern San Fernando Valley, the Chatsworth Courthouse of the Los Angeles Superior Court opened in May 2002. Michael Amescua is one of two artists who created civic art pilot projects for the site.
Amescua’s majestic Tree of Life is a twenty-foot tall stainless steel sculpture situated on the exterior of the courthouse where it is enjoyed by passersby as well as by jurors in the jury" -
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