Environmental transparency

  1. A minimum amount plastic has been used in the production of my Artwork.

  2. The spray paint enamel that I use to paint contains plastics.

  3. We’re working on methods to mitigate smoke caused by our plasma cutting.

  4. If somewhere down the line you tire of the metal pieces and you don’t want to give them away, an option would be to bury them in the ground because they will rust and eventually return to the earth.

  5. The “drop” from whatever piece I’m doing is used to create my spray paint pieces. The “drop” being what falls to the floor after a piece is cut. The drop is also recycled through a person that comes by and picks up steel in order to deliver to a recycling plant. And what he likes to say is “The next time you see this piece of steel, it’ll be a part of a car”

  6. Experimenting with biodegradable packaging of small items and apparel.

    Updated: April 2022