Metro Station
"Passengers are greeted at Allen Station, situated along the 210 Freeway median, by Michael Amescua’s dramatic grillwork adorning the street-level entrance. Amescua’s series of steel panels, created in the tradition of papel picado, or punched paper, are painted a deep forest green with brushed stainless steel and red enamel accents, and forms a relief against a golden ceramic tile wall.
Papel picado is a folk art that can be traced back to pre-Columbian times, when Mexicans used cutout bark paper depicting a variety of human and animal spirits as offerings to the gods, as a tribute to the Aztec emperor, Moctezuma II, and as decoration in their temples and palaces."
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"Today in my GRCOM 132A class we had a guest speaker come and visit from 10am-12pm. His name is Michael Amescua and he does welding. You'll find that most of his work is public art, some of which include a fence at the LA Zoo and, one of my favorites, the art work at the Allen Station on the Metro Goldline. His presentation was interesting and humorous and he seemed like a really nice guy. (I chatted with him after about him mentioning that he did the Allen station work with Eaton Canyon in mind. I used to volunteer there and find that very cool.)
Some of the advanced students in Pilon's class did some posters for the event and I managed to snag one and get his autograph. -does a dance-" - Kiri
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