Union Station’s Patsaouras Bus Plaza 1995-2016
CC 2018
"Lining the periphery of the plaza in the form of metal cutout railings, Amescua’s Guardians of the Track depicts mythological figures and symbols that are both decorative and functional. The 79 new panels add to an existing body of artwork by Amescua at the station, including metal cutout railings, screens and grills throughout the bus plaza and the Metro Headquarters building.
The design focuses on providing pedestrian safety as well as enhancing the plaza in keeping with the spirit of the original artwork. The new artwork metal panels were fabricated by the artist and installed in September as part of overall plaza improvements. Originally commissioned in 1995, Metro Art re-engaged the original artist and collaborated with Metro’s General Services and multiple contractors to get the new panels fabricated and installed by the October 10 plaza opening deadline. The artist used designs and imagery based on Mexican folk and craft traditions of “papel picado” (cut paper), while also incorporating Art Deco architectural motifs that reference the design of the Metro Headquarters building." By Heidi Zeller http://thesource.metro.net
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"Host Laura Craven pays a visit to the Pasadena studio of steel sculptor Michael Amescua. With over twenty years worth of public art commissions from all over the state of California, Amescua creates a unique blend of west coast historical imagery and natural forms in his work. His 1995 project Guardians of the Track, is a series of steel grilles and guardrails surrounding the landmark Union Station in Los Angeles and it is seen by millions of locals and tourists every year.
As Laura speaks to Amescua in his studio, you will be treated to the real sounds of an industrial LA-area neighborhood, featuring the hisses and clangs of metalworks machinery, the distant conversations of neighboring metalworkers, street sounds, and even Latin music emanating from nearby radios in the background. Amescua discusses his private commissions and his public art. For more on public artwork by Amescua and other LA-based artists and designers, please visit publicartinla.com. (18 minutes)" By Laura Craven http://clocktower.org
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